At the end of the last episode we saw The Batman, and his trusty sidekick Robin about to be blown to kingdom come when the shack he was in exploded. That was what we thought was about to happen. How did he survive? Quite easily, they went down the semi-obvious trapdoor after playing possum for… Read More »
We last left The Batman in a precarious position after trying to save the day and keeping the Radium out of the hands of the evil Japs. Mainly down to a fistfight with incompetent goons who tend to go everywhere without guns. However, we do finally see him plunge off a cliff with the car… Read More »
Last time we saw The Batman about to be crushed by a gangplank from a docked ship. How does he survive? Quite easily by the looks of it. just roll out of the way and everything is happy. After that lucky escape The Batman and robin still have work to do. Their captured goon, Marshal,… Read More »
Last time we left The Batman in the mine just as it was being blown up. We were wondering how he was going to survive that one. the simple answer is by a fluke. The mine explosion killed two of the Jap’s goons but everyone else was lucky to survive as The Batman needs pulling… Read More »
Last time we left The Batman unconscious in a lift shaft with it hurtling towards him to crush him to death. Now how will he survive this perilous outcome. We must point out that no Batmen were harmed by a very rubbery looking one was used to throw over the lift shaft. This may just… Read More »